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    with every order


    crafted with love


    forever lasting

Test Reviews

    The perfect gift!

    I liked how the plushie bouquet was packaged carefully. Not only was it adorable but also wonderfully crafted. My daughter loves Sanrio so I bought the Kuromi bouquet for her bday and she loved it!

    - Lena S.

    So frickin CUTE <3

    I bought the sunflower bouquet for my best friend's graduation and OMG SHE LOVED ITT!!! Had to fluff up the flowers a bit but that was easy and the quality is still amazing. I think I'll be buying one for myself XD

    Megan B.

    Girlfriend loves it

    I was stuck on what to get my girlfriend for our anniversary till I saw these bouquets. She loves plushies so it was perfect. Might have to get all of them because she loves it so much.

    - Oliver D.

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Everything About Hanaya Studio

We want to spread smiles around the world in our own unique & cute way! From your special someone to your family and friends, we believe everyone deserves to be loved & appreciated <3

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